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Updated On: 18-Aug-2021

74th Rajagiri Round Table Conference - Topic: "Cost of Educating the Have-nots"

74th Rajagiri Round Table Conference

Topic: "Cost of Educating the Have-nots"

18th August, 2021, Wed, 6-8 PM IST, ZOOM.



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The Indian education system suffered a lot from the caste-based exclusivism in education from olden days. The Buddhist revolution to make education universal in India did not sustain in the wave of resurgence of old caste-based thinking. The traditional question, “if the children of all have-nots get education, who will till our fields” still resounds, especially in the villages of India even today. The educators of the nation are hated by the landlords and are being systematically persecuted and even killed.

To make matters worse, the digital divide in education has shown its ugly head during the Covid-19 pandemic. Children of the have-nots were excluded from the regular education activities. The post-Covid recession is expected to make many more people poor in India and elsewhere. The questions on the accessibility and affordability of modern day education are expected to resurge in India and beyond.

It is high time that the policy makers address these serious questions over the equity of education. Naturally, there arises questions how to redefine education and simplify its conduct so that quality education could be made really universal.

In this backdrop, the 74th Rajagiri Round Table shall deliberate on the topic “Cost of Educating the Have-nots” with focus on following four areas:

1) Does the country and the world really want to educate the have-nots or is it just a verbal exercise to be politically correct? What is the fate of existing policies for ensuring universal quality education, like the Right to Education Act 2009? How is it ensured in NEP 2020?

2) How can modern technologies be leveraged to ensure true equity in education? What are the successful models of bringing equity to education based on existing and emerging technologies?

3) What kind of simplifications in the conduct of education would make equity in education viable and futuristic at the same time? What pedagogical approach will radically simplify the conduct of education, making it affordable and universal?

4) How would an entrepreneurial education rewrite the story of equity in education in India and elsewhere? How could such a pedagogy with focus on entrepreneurially solving regional problems with global perspective, contribute to make the new generation learners future-ready?

Target Synergists: Policy makers, Academicians, Edu Incubators, Educational Leadership, Management Experts, and so on.


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